Project #1
Client: Israeli Electrical Company ltd. (IEC)
Problem :
IEC performs chemical cleaning of piping and boilers at its power stations on regular basis. For this purpose the IEC uses both inorganic and organic acids and bases mixed with various chemicals as corrosion inhibitors.
As all IEC’s main station are located on the sea shore and are not connected to sewer systems, the effluents from the chemical cleaning operations have to be purified to a degree which enables discharge to the sea.
Generally, between 2000-6000 m3 (500,000-1,500,000 gal.) of effluents are produced during a chemical cleaning operation. Due to limited storage capacity at the power stations, the effluents need to be evacuated from the holding ponds at a very tight schedule in order to enable the proper progression of the chemical cleaning process. The IEC, lacking proper treatment facilities, had to haul the effluents to a remote industrial waste disposal site with great expense, causing environmental nuisance.
An Arrow Solution:
Arrow Operations and Technologies (from the founders of Arrow Ecology Ltd) had been asked by the IEC to provide an Environmentally safe and cost effective solution for the problem of purifying the effluents from IEC’s chemical cleaning
The IEC’s main requirements were:
To provide effluent quality sufficient for marine discharge. )
To provide a response time of days for the setting up of a functional field treatment unit.
To provide treatment capacity sufficient for the requirements of the chemical cleaning schedule. In 1994, after proving both treatment quality and engineering excellence in designing and manufacturing the mobile liquid waste treatment unit, Arrow was awarded a contract from the IEC for the treatment and marine discharge of more then 12,000 m3 (3,000,000 gal.) of waste water. Since then, Arrow’s mobile units are serving the IEC in liquid waste treatment at 4 major power stations. The treated effluents are being monitored continuously and discharged to the sea under the approval of the Israeli Ministry of the Environment. The treatment units, operating at a maximal capacity of 240 m3/day, are providing the IEC with a cost effective and reliable solution, enabling the IEC to keep its tight schedule of shutting down production units for cleaning.